
Thank you so much for purchasing our theme! We look forward to providing you with a quality customer service, but before that, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the following terms and conditions, regarding the support we offer:

  • Please be sure that you have read the documentation (Thefox Doc, Cesis Doc) , which came bundled with your download. The documentation covers important topics, ranging from the installation of the theme, to its proper usage. You can check it here
  • Please open a public ticket, instead of a private one, if your ticket doesn't contain any sensitive information. Doing so will enable others to help you out with your issue, and find the solution to their own issue, in case they are experiencing the same, or a similar problem.
  • Please be aware that we try our best to monitor the forums around the clock, but because of a large amount of support inquires that we have to deal with on a daily basis, please allow 24 - 48 hours to receive an answer to your ticket.
  • Before asking questions, please make sure you search through the open tickets to see if your question has already been answered, which means that you might not need to wait at all to get an answer.
  • Support deals with installation of the theme, issues that arise from the usage of any features available by default, bug fixes, and small modifications within one or two lines of code. We do not offer support for installation or administration of WordPress itself, nor do we provide support for any third party plugins, or problems associated with using them in a combination with one of our themes. Please be aware that if you need help with customisations of your theme beyond one or two lines of code, your best bet is to check WPBuilders.co
  • You have to understand that you buy the item as it is. If you want it to look or function different than what you see in the online demo you need to understand that this is not covered by basic support. We are always here to give small tips and advice, i even write full blocks of css codes sometimes, because we like to help. But if your requests are coming one after the other and you don't have the slightest clue of what CSS or HTML is, your best bet is to contact the WPbuilders.co Team.
  • Post as much information as you can on your requests: links and screenshots are always welcome! Provide us with all the information you can give us!

Once again, thanks for the purchase! Hope you enjoy our work.

Public Tickets

wallypinkard Change name of custom objects   Cesis | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme   Updated 4 days ago   2 Most recent comment from TheFox Support:Hello,You should be able to do that from the theme options, you can change the slug ( what shows up in the url ).If you want to change the name in the backend ( admin dashboard ) you would need to mo ... wallypinkard Partners object   Cesis | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme   Updated 2 weeks ago   2 Most recent comment from wallypinkard:Nevermind figured it out! CORNEILLE NGALEU IMPOSSIBLE CUSTUMIZE THE theFox with ELEMENTOR   TheFox | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme   Updated June 7, 2024 at 4:10pm   2 Most recent comment from Laura Zasoski:My site is having the same issue. I would love an update from the support team or OP if available.  CORNEILLE NGALEU PROBLEME D'IMPORTATION DUT HEMEClosed   TheFox | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme   Updated April 27, 2024 at 10:04am   2 Most recent comment from CORNEILLE NGALEU:Ouvrez le fichier de configuration "php.ini" : À l'intérieur du répertoire "conf", vous devriez trouver un fichier nommé "php.ini". Ouvrez ce fichier avec un éditeur de texte. Recherchez la ... Michael Mobile v Desktop responsitivityClosed   Cesis | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme   Updated February 29, 2024 at 5:42pm   1 Most recent comment from Michael:One of the reasons I have used your theme so many times is that is very flexible and in particular it offers the ability to switch off and on columns according to which device (desktop, tablet, mobile ...