I am trying to ad a mail chimp pop up sign up form on the website. Normally this code is added to the header of the website - However in me doing so - the website gets distorted.
Please advice another location where I can add the code.
Also this website is not working well on the mobile as it doesn't adjust itself to the smart gadget specially for the landing page. The revolution slider is not resizing and the headings, buttons and certain icons are overlapping.
That was very helpful - I've spent endless nights trying to figure out why the slider was not working. However I still have the headings and icons in certain places over lapping. How can I fix that?
I am trying to ad a mail chimp pop up sign up form on the website. Normally this code is added to the header of the website - However in me doing so - the website gets distorted.
Please advice another location where I can add the code.
Also this website is not working well on the mobile as it doesn't adjust itself to the smart gadget specially for the landing page. The revolution slider is not resizing and the headings, buttons and certain icons are overlapping.
How can we fix that?
Hello Kanika, thanks for purchasing Thefox!
What is the code from the mail chimp?
Is it javascript or php, can you give us more information.
Also for the Revolution slider, did you adjust it to be reponsive?
You can change the content size depending the screen size.
Go to your slider settings and set those to "On" : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4U2I7SLFLQYRWhqMEVhUFVBRkU
Then when editing the slide you should be able to choose the screen layout and modify the content :
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That was very helpful - I've spent endless nights trying to figure out why the slider was not working. However I still have the headings and icons in certain places over lapping. How can I fix that?
The Code for Mail chimp is javascript -
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.mailchimp.com/js/signup-forms/popup/embed.js" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us2.list-manage.com","uuid":"a273f9e6ca88db77f34a06e99","lid":"fbf092963c"}) })</script>
Hello Kanika,
Did you changed the heading size depending the screen size?
For the heading and icon you are still talking about the slider?
For the javascript you should be able to add it to the header in the <head> tag, position doesn't matter, just make sure it's not between <?php ?> tag
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