  Public Ticket #1206847
Blog Masonry Excerpt


  • Tommy started the conversation

    I'm trying to use the Blog Type: Masonry but it displays the full text of the post, I don't want to use the "Read More" option as that sucks because it brings over the formatting as well as the entire post.  The professional way is to utilize the Excerpt field because it is straight text and can be hand crafted.  How do I make the Masonry Blog only display the excerpts in the main loop?  I tried swapping out the code in the ajax handler php file but that didn't work...

  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Tommy, thanks for purchasing Thefox!

    For the masonry we didn't use the excerpt because the point of using Masonry is to have content with different size that will and result in a masonry not grid layout.

    If you are using the Load more navigation then the ajax-handlers.php is the file you need to modify.

    If you are using no navigation or the classic navigation then you need to edit the thefox/functions/rd_shortcodes/rd_blog.php

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day!
