  Public Ticket #1316274


  • Sonia started the conversation


    Tengo un problema grave con este tema. En mi servidor online (hosting) no me cargan las páginas, por ejemplo las de portfolio. Por ello, he decidido crear la web en un servidor local desde mi ordenador con MAMP. Está instalado el servidor local MAMP, wordpress y child theme. Pero no me deja instalar thefox.zip el tema padre. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Por favor, ayuda. Necesito trabajar, podría contestar rápido por favor? 


    I have a serious problem with this theme. In my online server (hosting) do not load pages, for example the portfolio pages. Therefore, I decided to create the web on a local server from my computer with MAMP. The local MAMP server, wordpress and child theme is installed and works (child them doesn't work without father theme). But I don't know what happens with thefox theme father it do not let me install thefox.zip. What I can do? Please help. I need to work, could you answer to me faster, please?


  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Sonia,

    This is definitely a problem related to your server settings.

    Make sure you have the server settings set to the one you can find in this article : What To Do If Demo Content Import Fails

    If you got 500 error it's a memory problem, also make sure to have the folder permission set correctly.

    Contact your online hosting support and ask them to change the server settings, also if you can ask for the error log they should be able to tell you what is wrong exactly.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day!
