  Public Ticket #1725695
change aspect of single post


  • Sinaptic started the conversation

    Hi, i'm trying to edit the single-default.php because i want to make the blog page more appealing. Your defaul blog page isn't ok with latest standards in Web usability: the space between the header and the firs line of text, or even the title is too long. I will upload two pictures, one shows a normal blogpost how it shows now and one how i would make it look like. More compact and a lot more user friendly.

    Unfortunately your code is not so easy to edit and when moving lines in the single-default.php some items totally disappear. 

    Can you give me a hint on how to make it look like that or, even better, you add an option for changing the default blog style into something more usable?


  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Sinaptic,

    If you want to edit the title part then check the "page_title_ctn" place.


    for the thumbnail part.

    If you need customization you can also contact our dev that does it on his freetime : 

    [email protected]

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day!
