Our website has a very poor pagespeed score on Google PageSpeed Insights, and takes a particularly long time to load on mobile. We are currently using 3 plugins on the sight (Autoptimize, Async Javascript, and WP Fastest Cache) which has made a difference, but our scores are still low.
Are the pages on the Fox theme by default slow, or could it be the amount of custom CSS added to many of the pages? Could you possibly advise on how I can speed up the site?
Our website has a very poor pagespeed score on Google PageSpeed Insights, and takes a particularly long time to load on mobile. We are currently using 3 plugins on the sight (Autoptimize, Async Javascript, and WP Fastest Cache) which has made a difference, but our scores are still low.
Are the pages on the Fox theme by default slow, or could it be the amount of custom CSS added to many of the pages? Could you possibly advise on how I can speed up the site?
The link to the test we run through is here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nebula.co.za%2F
Thanks in advance,
Hello Saajidah, thanks for purchasing Thefox!
I am affraid that the problem is the additional plugin you are using and also your server settings / web hosting.
First check the result of GTmetrix ( it uses google pagespeed and yslow ) :
Then check this link to see how resolve those problem and optimize your server :
How to optimize your site gtmetrix
If you still have problem after this and disable the custom plugins you are using, then the problem is your web hosting.
Here are the list of the Web hosting we recommend :
We have a special offer for wpengine.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.
Have a nice day!
Hosting we recommend ( Free SSL and CDN included in all plan ).
Speed up your site with Autoptimize
Test your site with GTmetrix and fix the issue to make it faster
How to Update your Theme