  Public Ticket #497601
How do I globally shorten the height of the title and header


  • Serena started the conversation


    How do I make the title bar shorter in height site wide? I read your instructions on how to do it page by page, but that seems especially cumbersome. If possible I would also like to shorten the height of the header. Between them they take up way too much of the above the fold real estate.

    And is there a way I can change the background color displayed when the page loader shows? It clashes with my site. (And I don't want the light page loader instead, that would be worse.) Can I make that dark blue dark gray or black?

    Thank you!

  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Serena, sorry for the late reply.

    For the title height, add this custom css ( thefox > styling options ) :

    .page_title_ctn { padding-top: 120px!important; padding-bottom: 120px!important; }

    Change the 120 to the number you want.

    For the preloader add this :

    #jpreOverlay.dark_loader,#jpreOverlay.dark_loader .thefox_bigloader .loader_inner{background-color:#000000!important; }

    Change the color code to the color you want to use.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have other questions.
