  Public Ticket #520433


  • Martijn started the conversation

    I just updated to 1.3.2 and after that i updated VComp to 4.7. The problem now is that I cant adjust any of the content that i added before the update. The pencil icon in VComp has become un-clickable. Also the double button problem has not been removed because all my added buttons still have a useless second button hanging below them and now I cant even add an URL to any content to check if the problem with links opening in the same screen has been taken care of. Please advise on all problems.


  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Martin,

    That\'s really strange, could you try to re-install the visual composer, or remove visual composer and theme and re-install everything.

    Have you any error? ( check the error log of your server )

    Really strange that this is happening, if you updated the theme and visual composer ( and are using wordpress 4.3 ) everything should be working.

    Also about the button you just need to edit the button module ( change anything ) then update the page to fix the problem, but if you don\'t have the pencil options this wont be possible.

    Waiting for your reply.
