  Public Ticket #633375
Missing styles and screwy footer


  • Pete started the conversation

    I installed the fox this evening and began building a site for my client, but I am having 2 issues...

    1) The footer stylesheet seems to be missing. The widgets stack instead of horizontally aligning. I tried seaching for widget styles in the inspector, but there are no styles associated with them. Am I missing an entire stylesheet? (I am using a child theme, but that shouldnt be an issue)

    2) Buttons and infographics (such as pie charts) do not load at full size. Those, too, look to be missing styles. If you look at the text under the blue bar near the top, you'll see "CHANGING HOW BUSINESS GETS DONE" with a paragraph and button underneath. The button does not look correct. Directly under that you should see "80%" which is supposed to be a piechart. Again, it doesnt look right. (Ive attached a screenshot of this)

    Also, is there a setting to restrict the site to 1100px wide? I dont want to use the boxed layout. I want full width but I would like all content to stay at 1100px with full bleed backgrounds. Do I need to do this through css?
