  Public Ticket #706656
some google fonts missing + customize coming soon page


  • Jonathan started the conversation


    I have two questions:

    1. If I try to choose custom fonts from the list under typography settings, there are some google fonts missing like "Catamaran" and "Kanit". I tried to add them by adding the names into the fonts.php. But there are still not there. How can I add them?

    2. I would like to customize the coming soon page a bit more, like adding text and images. If I add content, it doesn't appear on the coming soon page. In the Coming Soon psd files I found some more individual versions with social icons, a different counter, footer. How can I choose these advanced options?

    Thank you very much!

    kind regards 

  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Jonathan, thanks for purchasing Thefox!

    1. Some of the google fonts are not supported.

    If you want to add and use those custom fonts you will have to load the fonts manually, you can add the fonts you want to load from the functions.php line 96

    wp_enqueue_style( 'googlefonts', "$protocol://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,300,400,600,700,900|Open+Sans:700,300,600,400|Raleway:900|Playfair+Display|' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css" );

    Then add custom css ( thefox > styling options ) to the class of the element you want to change the font, for all the site :

    body { font-family:"fontname"; }

    2. The coming soon page can't be modified from the backend, if you want to add images or text you will need to edit the coming_soon.php file.

    Not all the design find in the PSD has been converted, unfortunately the only coming soon page we have is the one you are currently using.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.


  • Jonathan replied


    thank you very much for the reply.

    I created a page and choosed the coming soon template for it to have the countdown as it is described in the TheFox Documentation. I understood that I cant edit the coming soon page from the backend. What can I write into the coming_soon.php file that it just adds all the content from the page which is linked to the coming soon template? I imagine that the countdown can stay as it is, but the content would appear underneath. It would be great if it could work that way, then I could just edit the content with the visual composer. Sorry, I am really bad with php, so if there is an easy way to let the content appear, it would be great!


  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Jonathan,

    You can add this php to the coming_soon.php page to make the content to load : 

    <div class="section def_section">
    <div class="wrapper section_wrapper">
    <div id="fw_c" class="clearfix tf_single_page">
    <?php  the_content(); ?>

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.


  • Jonathan replied

    it worked! thanks!

  •  901