  Public Ticket #735797
Portfolio gallery glitch


  • Josianne started the conversation

    I am trying to set-up a portfolio.  When I import pictures in the featured gallery in a project/portfolio they don't load when I look at it in the link.  It's showing that it's loading but doesn't load! I am thinking that it's a glitch on the theme... I spent all day trying to get this working...I also have other glitches on this template that are not explicable so I'm assuming they are glitches.

    On the home page I had widgets all good to go and then I added a row below and the content on the row where my widgets were disappeared??  You can see this here http://brackenrignursery.com/stagesite/home-page/

    This template has a lot of glitches and it's wasting so much of my time....

    The image gallery offered in the visual composer is not really nice, it doesn't display properly.  I've added one for you to see on that home page link.  I've always used the same image gallery on the visual composer which usually works great.

    you can see a sample here http://www.sellbuyfly.com/1081-shennamere-rd/

    It's usually a really sample task to ad a gallery!

    So I spent most of my day not getting anywhere in this template....very frustrated! Please help me or fix those glitches.

    Also a quick question...I would like to create an organized gallery without having to create a page for each picture.  What are my options?  For instance I would like for all the pictures to display but have the options at the top to click on annuals and only show annuals pics, or trees and only show pics of trees.  I know photographer have that options on their site often...any ideas?

    Also The "count to" on this page not working...http://brackenrignursery.com/stagesite/about-us-2/

    Thank you

  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Josianne, thanks for purchasing Thefox!

    First for the issue you are having with the modules not working it is because you have updated WordPress to 4.5 but are not using the latest version of our theme ( 1.56 ), please update the theme to the latest version : Theme update

    I think this should fix most of the problems you are having.

    For the gallery option, if you want to add a simple gallery with images of the same size you should be able to do this using the gallery module or using the text area module and using the wordpress default gallery, if you want a more complex layout you would need to use the portfolio.

    About the organized gallery, if you want to create a first page with 3 photo that link to different gallery page you just need to use the single image module and make it links to one of the page where you are using a gallery module.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.
