  Public Ticket #741184


  • Jay started the conversation

    I'm updating a site for a customer. He has the theme installed, version 1.53 but some of the functionality is not working and he does not have a purchase code for support. I bought a new purchase code which is referenced above with a year of support to use on his site if needed.

    1. Mobile menu not initially visible until you begin to scroll down. Even then, when you click on the hamburger, there is no drop-down showing the links. In the menu section, mobile menu is selected.

    2. Some of the plug-ins will not update. (I am assuming this is making portfolio posts with multiple images not show) and I cannot figure out how to validate with the newly purchased purchase code.

    3. I thought about uninstalling the current theme and uploading the new one that I just purchased but the client said that was tried prior and didn't fix it. I have read the reinstallation instructions but I need to know if you need to delete the plug-ins prior to reinstalling with new download and purchase code so that they will be updated?

    The site is olympiafooting.com

  • Jay replied

    I got tired of waiting and figured it out myself. For those who are having the same issue, I first deactivated the theme and chose a different one. I then deleted visual composer and the two slider plug-ins. I then uploaded the brand-new theme that I just downloaded from themeforest and now everything works perfectly. The hover animations for my portfolio sections work on my mobile version. My mobile version header now appears immediately and the links work. Some of the missing photos are now appearing as well.

  •  901
    TheFox replied

    Hello Jay, thanks for purchasing Thefox!

    If you are using the latest version of WordPress then what you needed to do is to update the theme and plugins.

    Have you still any issues?
