  Public Ticket #924378
Change style and other questions


  •  2
    Beatriz started the conversation

    I will explain you how I have organized the web so you can help me better.

    Now, I will only use your theme to show my blog.

    In the top menu I have included the blog categories (marketing,
    comunication, resources ...) and several pages like "Who I am" or "Contact"

    I set my homepage a static page that includes the latest entries. To do this, I imported the Trending-Blog demo and customize it with
    Visual Composer. I have chosen the "Business Standard" option (attached a
    screenshot, example 1)

    The problem comes when you click on any of the categories in the top menu or the category to which the post belongs. The format is another (specifically the format is Standard, attached a screenshot, example 2) and I would like both to click on the menu and the category shown in the post, was the same format as the home page. How could I make this change?

    In addition, to customize the template I've noticed that if you click on the guest authors post shows you all, not just those of the author.

    And I've also noticed that the pagination does not work well. If you click on page 2 (for example) still remains marked page 1 (screenshot example 3)

    Can you help me, please?
    Thank you very much!

  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello again,

    If you want to do this you would need to modify the index.php file which is the template used for the category and tag.

    You can find the html code you need to use in the rd_blog.php ( thefox/functions/rd_shortcodes )

    If you make the change to the index.php and want to use the news / blog as your homepage then you better set the homepage to show your latest post instead of using a static page.

    About the guest authors, I am not sure to understand, if you click the author image it does't take you to the page with the posts created by the author you clicked on?


  •  2
    Beatriz replied

    Sorry, but I don't know if I insert html code or should I replace something.

    I don't know if I've spelled correctly.
    The home is made with a static page with the latest blog entries.

    I have customized it with the following features of Visual Composer (screenshot-image1) Thus, the appearance of this static page is as follows (screenshot-image2)
    What I would like is when the reader clicks categories or  tags, have the same appearance as static page fix at home.
    Now, when you click in categories or tags, the appearance is like screenshot-image3
    Is it possible to do this?

    About the guest authors, when I click on the photo or name of an author it shows me every blog post and not the post of the guest author. 

    You can help me, please?
    Thank you very much!!!

  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello Beatriz,

    First make sure you have the child theme installed, then open the index.php file

    Then replace the line from 126 (    <div class="post ajax_post" <?php post_class(); ?>> )

    to 219 (  <!-- .post END --> )

    by this code : 

    <div class="post ajax_post business_author_post">
    <?php } ?>    
    <div class="top_info_ctn">
        <div class="post_b_avatar">
            <?php if (function_exists('get_avatar')) { echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('email'), 50 ); }?>
        <div class="post_b_ad">
            <div class="post_b_author"> <?php echo the_author_posts_link(); ?></div>
            <div class="post_b_date"> <?php echo the_time('j F, Y') ?> </div>
        <div class="post_b_category">
            <?php the_category(' '); ?>
    $post_format = get_post_format();
    $content = get_the_content(__('Read more', 'thefoxwp'));    
    $my_video = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rd_video', true);
    $quote_text = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rd_quote', true);    
    $quote_author = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rd_quote_author', true);
    if( $post_format == 'quote' ){    
        echo '<a class="post_quote_ctn" href="';
        echo the_permalink() ;
        echo '"><div class="post_quote_text" >';
        echo !empty( $quote_text ) ? $quote_text : '';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="post_quote_author" >';
        echo !empty( $quote_author ) ? $quote_author : '';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</a><div class="post_ctn">';
        if(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rd_show_slider', true) == 'yes') {
            if($post_format == '' && '' != get_the_post_thumbnail() || $post_format == 'image' && '' != get_the_post_thumbnail() ) {
                $url = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full' );
                echo "<div class='post-attachement'>";
                echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" class="blog_img_overlay">';
                if($tn_size == 'full' ){
                    echo the_post_thumbnail('full');
                    echo the_post_thumbnail('blog_tn');            
            echo "</a><a href='".$url. "' class='prettyPhoto post-att-zoom'></a></div><div class='sep_25'></div>";
            }elseif( $post_format == 'audio' ){
                preg_match("!\[audio.+?\]\[\/audio\]!", $content , $match_audio);
                if(!empty($match_audio)) {
                    echo '<div class="audio_ctn" >';
                    echo do_shortcode($match_audio[0]);
                    echo '</div>';
                    $content = str_replace($match_audio[0], "", $content);
                    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
                    $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);
                    echo "<div class='sep_25'></div>";
            }elseif ($post_format == 'video' && $my_video !== ''){
                echo "<div class='post-attachement'>".$my_video."</div><div class='sep_25'></div>";
            }elseif($post_format == 'gallery' ){
                $galleryArray = get_post_gallery_ids($post->ID); 
                if ($galleryArray) {
                    echo "<div class='post-attachement'><div class='flexslider'><ul class='slides'>";
                    foreach ($galleryArray as $id) {
                        $url = wp_get_attachment_url( $id, 'full', 0 );    
                        echo "<li>";
                        echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" class="blog_img_overlay">';
                        if($tn_size == 'full' ){
                            echo wp_get_attachment_image( $id, 'full', 0 );
                            echo wp_get_attachment_image( $id, 'blog_tn', 0 );
                        echo "</a><a href='".$url. "' class='prettyPhoto post-att-zoom'></a></li>";
                    echo "</ul></div></div><div class='sep_25'></div>"; 
      <div class="post_ctn"> 
        <!-- .title -->
        <div class="post-title">
          <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
            <?php the_title(); ?>
        <!-- .title END--> 
        <!-- .entry -->
         <div class="entry">
              <?php     if ( $post_format == 'audio' ){ echo !empty( $content ) ? $content : '';}else{ rd_custom_excerpt('rd_port_long_excerpt','rd_port_more'); }?>
        <?php } ?>    
        <!-- .entry END --> 
        <div class="post-info"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php echo __('Read More','thefoxwp'); ?></a>    |    <?php comments_popup_link(__('0 comment','thefoxwp'),__('1  comment','thefoxwp'),__('% comments','thefoxwp'),'comments-link',__('Comments are Closed','thefoxwp')); ?>    |    <?php if( function_exists('zilla_likes') ){ echo do_shortcode('[zilla_likes]');    }?></div>
      <!-- .post-content END--> 
    <!-- .post END -->

    This should do the trick.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.


  •  2
    Beatriz replied


    Sorry, but changing the code gives me the following error (attached screenshot)
    I installed the child theme and I made the change on index.php file of the original theme (i cant' find this file on child theme)

    Have I done something wrong?

    Thanks and sorry for the inconveniences!

  •  2
    Beatriz replied

    I tried several times and get errors in other lines (line 233, line 234)


  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello Beatriz,

    We will have our dev team to try this and give you the modified file.

    Or support doesn't work on modifications so could you please wait a little more?


  •  2
    Beatriz replied

    Of course!!

    Maybe, I've made something wrong.

    So, If you need more information, please, contact me and i will try to tell you all i've made.

    Thanks so much!

  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello Beatriz,

    We joined the index.php file you need to use to this reply.

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.


  •  2
    Beatriz replied

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!
    You have done a great job and a great effort to help me with this.
    One question: do I save this file for future theme updates?

    Thanks again, guys! You are incredible!

  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello Beatriz,

    You're welcome!

    Glad to have been able to help you!

    You should use the child theme ( we joined it to this reply )

    And put the index.php in the child theme folder, then even if you update the theme the modifications won't be lost.

    Also I don't know if you already did it but if you could rate our theme 5 stars on themeforest, it would really boost our team motivation!

    You can do it from this page : http://themeforest.net/downloads and click the stars under the download button of our theme. Thanks in advance! 

    If you already have rated our theme, then thanks a lot!

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day!


  •  2
    Beatriz replied

    Ohh! It was not necessary to attach the child theme. I had downloaded when I bought your theme.

    Many thanks anyway!

    I have already voted with 5 stars. You are incredible!

    If you want, you can close this ticket

    Thank you very much for everything!

  •  899
    TheFox replied

    Hello Beatriz,

    Just to be sure

    You're welcome!

    Thanks a lot for your 5 stars rating!

    Do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day!


  •   Beatriz replied privately
  •   TheFox replied privately
  •   Beatriz replied privately
  •   TheFox replied privately